Monday, July 23, 2007


Hello grade 9 students!I hope you are enjoying the reading of the novel "Men of Stone" by Gayle Friesen. Now that you have begun, it is important for you to understand the history behind the novel. Aunt Frieda brings her past into the lives of Ben and his family and as the novel progresses the history of Aunt Frieda becomes an important link to understanding how Ben feels about his situation.This web quest is going to help you to uncover some of the history behind the "Man of Stone"- Stalin- and Aunt Frieda’s Mennonite background. You will be examining different sites and then writing a newspaper article for the “Thompson Tabloids” based on the information that you find. The purpose of this assignment is to aid you in understanding the historical context of the novel, so you can better understand Ben and the struggles that he faces. You will have three classes to complete this assignment... Use your time wisely!

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